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  • Writer's pictureBianca Amoruso-Wennerby

Awakening the Triceps : The Importance of Training the "Lazy" Muscle in Yoga Practice

In my daily Yoga practice, I dedicate time meditating on different muscles in the body, shifting my attention and visualization to those I feel need to develop in that moment!

Among these, a muscle that often requires greater awareness is the triceps brachii.

This muscle, smaller and lazier compared to the biceps, tends to "hide" and let the biceps take on most of the work. But how can we lighten the support from the biceps and make the triceps work effectively?

In this article, we will explore the importance of the triceps, how to train it daily, and why it is fundamental in yoga practice.

What is the Triceps?

The triceps brachii is a muscle located on the back of the upper arm, consisting of three heads: long, lateral, and medial. Its main function is to extend the elbow, allowing the arm to straighten. Unlike the biceps, which are more well-known and frequently trained, the triceps tend to be neglected and become "lazy."

The Importance of the Triceps in Yoga Practice

In yoga practice, it is essential not only to activate the stronger and more visible muscles but also the less strong and less noticeable ones, such as the triceps brachii. The triceps, located on the back of the arm, often remain inactive and overlooked, while the biceps do most of the work. However, activating the triceps can lead to more correct and harmonious execution of asanas, based less on brute strength and more on muscle intelligence.

In almost all asanas, involving the triceps helps better distribute the workload among the arm muscles, reducing the risk of overloading and injuries. For example, in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), an active triceps helps lift the body correctly, preventing the entire weight from bearing down on the biceps and shoulder joints. This not only improves alignment and stability in the posture but also promotes a more balanced and sustainable practice over time.

Activating the triceps allows for more precise actions in asanas, shifting from an approach based purely on strength to one of greater awareness and control. When the triceps work in synergy with other muscles, a support network is created that enhances the quality of practice and promotes a more efficient and intelligent use of the body. This integrated approach not only strengthens the triceps but also develops greater body awareness, fundamental for progressing in yoga safely and rewardingly.

How to Train the Triceps Daily

To "awaken" the triceps and make it an integral part of your yoga practice, consistent and targeted training is necessary. Here are some specific exercises that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine:

Triceps Push-Ups

  1. Diamond Push-Ups

  • Hand Position: Place your hands under your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers touching.

  • Execution: Perform push-ups while maintaining this hand position. This exercise effectively engages the triceps.

  • Benefits: Strengthens the triceps, improving their ability to support the body's weight and helping to maintain proper alignment in asanas.

Chair Dips

  1. Starting Position: Use a chair or bench. Sit on the edge and place your hands next to your hips, palms resting on the chair.

  2. Execution: Move your body forward so that your hips are in front of the chair and your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle. Lower yourself slowly, keeping your elbows close to your body, then rise back up.

  3. Benefits: Training the triceps with chair dips increases strength and endurance, enhancing stability in positions that require arm support.

From Brute Strength to Muscle Intelligence

Activating the triceps allows for more precise actions in asanas, shifting from an approach based purely on strength to one of greater awareness and control. When the triceps work in synergy with other muscles, a support network is created that enhances the quality of practice and promotes a more efficient and intelligent use of the body. This integrated approach not only strengthens the triceps but also develops greater body awareness, fundamental for progressing in yoga safely and rewardingly.

Training the triceps requires patience and discipline, but the benefits are significant. Try incorporating these exercises into your daily practice and observe how your body responds. Remember that the triceps, although often "lazy," can become a powerful ally in your yoga practice, improving your strength, balance, and awareness.


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